Have GHC parsing respect dynamic pragmas
This post about Handling GHC parse errors shows that using qualified
in postpostive position is a syntax error unless the ImportQualifiedPost
language extension is enabled. In that post, it is explained that the program
module M where
import Data.List qualified
is invalid whereas,
{#- LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost -#}
module M where
import Data.List qualified
which enables the extension via a "dynamic pragma", is legit.
Perhaps surprisingly, running the second of these programs through the parsing code presented in that post continues to generate the error
Found `qualified' in postpositive position.
To allow this, enable language extension 'ImportQualifiedPost'
Evidently, our parse-fu needs an upgrade to respect dynamic pragmas and that's what this post provides.
This code exercises the GHC API to parse a module.
parse :: String -> DynFlags -> String -> ParseResult (Located (HsModule GhcPs))
parse filename flags str =
unP Parser.parseModule parseState
location = mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString filename) 1 1
buffer = stringToStringBuffer str
parseState = mkPState flags buffer location
Note in the above, the second argument
flags :: DynFlags
. In order for
to take into account extensions enabled by pragmas in the source argument
, then
must be set up to do so
a priori. That is, before jumping into
, a "first pass" must be made to sniff out flags. There is a GHC API for that. It's called
Here's a function to harvest flags from pragmas that makes that call to parseDynamicFilePragma
parsePragmasIntoDynFlags :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> String -> IO (Maybe DynFlags)
parsePragmasIntoDynFlags flags filepath str =
catchErrors $ do
let opts = getOptions flags (stringToStringBuffer str) filepath
(flags, _, _) <- parseDynamicFilePragma flags opts
return $ Just flags
catchErrors :: IO (Maybe DynFlags) -> IO (Maybe DynFlags)
catchErrors act = handleGhcException reportErr
(handleSourceError reportErr act)
reportErr e = do putStrLn $ "error : " ++ show e; return Nothing
The main contribution of this function is to account for the complication that
can throw two kinds of exceptions :
. The GHC API functions
are the means to achieve that.
Putting it all together then, here's an outline of how to parse in the presence of dynamic pragmas.
s <- readFile' file
flags <-
(defaultDynFlags fakeSettings fakeLlvmConfig) file s
whenJust flags $ \flags ->
case parse file flags s of
PFailed s ->
report flags $ snd (getMessages s flags)
POk s m -> do
let (wrns, errs) = getMessages s flags
report flags wrns
report flags errs
when (null errs) $ analyzeModule flags m
For a complete working program that utilizes this function, see
this example in the