Saturday, January 14, 2023

Cabal package macros (MIN_VERSION_xyz)


Cabal package macros (MIN_VERSION_xyz)

cabal build ... generates cabal_macros.h containing e.g. for v 3.5.0 a definition like,

/* package hlint-3.5 */
#ifndef VERSION_hlint
#define VERSION_hlint "3.5"
#endif /* VERSION_hlint */
#ifndef MIN_VERSION_hlint
#define MIN_VERSION_hlint(x,y,z) (\
  (x) <  3 || \
  (x) == 3 && (y) <  5 || \
  (x) == 3 && (y) == 5 && (z) <= 0)
#endif /* MIN_VERSION_hlint */

This macro is a compile time predicate. Use to test the hlint configured package version is at least x.y.z.

We might for example test if the configured package version is at least 3.6.0 by


By substitution into the macro body we arrive at

3 < 3 || 3 == 3 && 6 < 5 || 3 == 3 and 6 == 5 and 0 <= 0

to conclude, no it is not.