or std::pair<bool, T>
class boost::optional<T> //Discriminated-union wrapper for values.
Maybe is a polymorphic sum type with two constructors :
or Just a
Here's how Maybe is defined in Haskell.
{- The Maybe type encapsulates an optional value. A value of type Maybe a either contains a value of type a (represented as Just a), or it is empty (represented as Nothing). Using Maybe is a good way to deal with errors or exceptional cases without resorting to drastic measures such as error. The Maybe type is also a monad. It is a simple kind of error monad, where all errors are represented by Nothing. -} data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a {- The maybe function takes a default value, a function, and a Maybe value. If the Maybe value is Nothing, the function returns the default value. Otherwise, it applies the function to the value inside the Just and returns the result. -} maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b maybe n _ Nothing = n maybe _ f (Just x) = f x
I haven't tried to compile the following OCaml yet but I think it should be roughly OK.
type 'a option = None | Some of 'a ;; let maybe n f a = match a with | None -> n | Some x -> f x ;;
Here's another variant on the Maybe monad this time in Felix. It is applied to the problem of "safe arithmetic" i.e. the usual integer arithmetic but with guards against under/overflow and division by zero.
union success[T] = | Success of T | Failure of string ; fun str[T] (x:success[T]) => match x with | Success ?t => "Success " + str(t) | Failure ?s => "Failure " + s endmatch ; typedef fun Fallible (t:TYPE) : TYPE => success[t] ; instance Monad[Fallible] { fun bind[a, b] (x:Fallible a, f: a -> Fallible b) => match x with | Success ?a => f a | Failure[a] ?s => Failure[b] s endmatch ; fun ret[a](x:a):Fallible a => Success x ; } //Safe arithmetic. const INT_MAX:int requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib ; const INT_MIN:int requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib ; fun madd (x:int) (y:int) : success[int] => if x > 0 and y > (INT_MAX - x) then Failure[int] "overflow" else Success (y + x) endif ; fun msub (x:int) (y:int) : success[int] => if x > 0 and y < (INT_MIN + x) then Failure[int] "underflow" else Success (y - x) endif ; fun mmul (x:int) (y:int) : success[int] => if x != 0 and y > (INT_MAX / x) then Failure[int] "overflow" else Success (y * x) endif ; fun mdiv (x:int) (y:int) : success[int] => if (x == 0) then Failure[int] "attempted division by zero" else Success (y / x) endif ; //-- // //Test. open Monad[Fallible] ; //Evalue some simple expressions. val zero = ret 0 ; val zero_over_one = bind ((Success 0), (mdiv 1)) ; val undefined = bind ((Success 1),(mdiv 0)) ; val two = bind((ret 1), (madd 1)) ; val two_by_one_plus_one = bind (two , (mmul 2)) ; println$ "zero = " + str zero ; println$ "1 / 0 = " + str undefined ; println$ "0 / 1 = " + str zero_over_one ; println$ "1 + 1 = " + str two ; println$ "2 * (1 + 1) = " + str (bind (bind((ret 1), (madd 1)) , (mmul 2))) ; println$ "INT_MAX - 1 = " + str (bind ((ret INT_MAX), (msub 1))) ; println$ "INT_MAX + 1 = " + str (bind ((ret INT_MAX), (madd 1))) ; println$ "INT_MIN - 1 = " + str (bind ((ret INT_MIN), (msub 1))) ; println$ "INT_MIN + 1 = " + str (bind ((ret INT_MIN), (madd 1))) ; println$ "--" ; //We do it again, this time using the "traditional" rshift-assign //syntax. syntax monad //Override the right shift assignment operator. { x[ssetunion_pri] := x[ssetunion_pri] ">>=" x[>ssetunion_pri] =># "`(ast_apply ,_sr (bind (,_1 ,_3)))"; } open syntax monad; println$ "zero = " + str (ret 0) ; println$ "1 / 0 = " + str (ret 1 >>= mdiv 0) ; println$ "0 / 1 = " + str (ret 0 >>= mdiv 1) ; println$ "1 + 1 = " + str (ret 1 >>= madd 1) ; println$ "2 * (1 + 1) = " + str (ret 1 >>= madd 1 >>= mmul 2) ; println$ "INT_MAX = " + str (INT_MAX) ; println$ "INT_MAX - 1 = " + str (ret INT_MAX >>= msub 1) ; println$ "INT_MAX + 1 = " + str (ret INT_MAX >>= madd 1) ; println$ "INT_MIN = " + str (INT_MIN) ; println$ "INT_MIN - 1 = " + str (ret INT_MIN >>= msub 1) ; println$ "INT_MIN + 1 = " + str (ret INT_MIN >>= madd 1) ; println$ "2 * (INT_MAX/2) = " + str (ret INT_MAX >>= mdiv 2 >>= mmul 2 >>= madd 1) ; //The last one since we know INT_MAX is odd and that division will truncate. println$ "2 * (INT_MAX/2 + 1) = " + str (ret INT_MAX >>= mdiv 2 >>= madd 1 >>= mmul 2) ; //--That last block using the
syntax produces (in part) the
following output (the last two print statments have been truncated
away -- the very last one produces an expected overflow).