Real world OCaml
For many tasks, I find OCaml as useful as Python and like "a better C".
This program matches files in a directory with a provided suffix and invokes a program on them.
This program matches files in a directory with a provided suffix and invokes a program on them.
(*e.g. Match files in directory with given suffix and invoke a program on them. $ ./build/bin/filesin.exe -d \ c:/project/examples -p \ c:/project/someprog.exe *) (*Globals*) let version,root,prog,suffix=ref false,ref "",ref "",ref "" let (read_args:unit -> unit) = fun () -> let specification = [("-v", Arg.Set version, "Print the version number") ; ("-d", Arg.String (fun s -> root := s), "Directory") ; ("-s", Arg.String (fun s -> suffix := s), "Suffix") ; ("-p", Arg.String (fun s -> prog := s), "Path to the prog") ; ] in Arg.parse specification (fun s -> Printf.printf "Warning : Ignoring unrecognized argument \"%s\"\n" s) ("Usage : "^(Sys.argv.(0))^" options") let (filesin:string -> string array option) = fun s -> if not (Sys.file_exists s) || not (Sys.is_directory s) then None else (Some (Sys.readdir s)) let (read_and_close:Unix.file_descr -> string) = fun fdr -> let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in let bytes_to_read = ref true in while !bytes_to_read do let s = String.create 1024 in let num_bytes_read = fdr s 0 124 in Buffer.add_string buf (String.sub s 0 num_bytes_read) ; if num_bytes_read < 1024 then bytes_to_read := false ; () done ; Unix.close fdr ; Buffer.contents buf let (process_file:string -> unit) = fun f -> let p = Filename.concat (!root) f in let cmd = Printf.sprintf "%s -l -e %s" (!prog) p in (*I tried to use anonymous pipes here but that seems broken on Windows when [Unix.system] is involved*) let tf=Filename.temp_file "tmp" "" in let fdw = Unix.openfile tf [Unix.O_WRONLY; Unix.O_TRUNC; Unix.O_CREAT] 0o666 in let tmp = Unix.dup Unix.stdout in let stat = ( Unix.dup2 fdw Unix.stdout ; Printf.printf "\n*** - %s:\n" p; flush stdout; Unix.system cmd (*Invoke the intpreter on f*) ) in Unix.dup2 tmp Unix.stdout ; Unix.close tmp; Unix.close fdw; match stat with | Unix.WEXITED 127 -> Printf.printf "The command \"%s\" could not be executed" cmd | _ -> let fdr = Unix.openfile tf [Unix.O_RDONLY] 0o666 in Printf.printf "%s" (read_and_close fdr) ; flush stdout (*; Sys.remove tf*) let (process_files:string list -> unit) = fun fs -> List.iter (fun f -> process_file f) fs let (main:unit) = read_args () ; Printf.printf "%s" !prog ; if !version then print_string "0.0.0\n" else if !suffix = "" then raise (Failure "Missing argument : suffix") ; if not (Sys.file_exists (!prog)) then raise (Failure (Printf.sprintf "Bad argument : The file '%s' does not exist" !prog)) ; try match (filesin !root) with | Some names -> let n=String.length !suffix in let pred e = let i = (String.length e - n) in (i >= 0) && (String.sub e i n) = !suffix in process_files (List.filter pred (Array.to_list names) ) | None -> () with | _ as e -> Printf.printf "Exception : %s\n" (Printexc.to_string e)