Thursday, June 12, 2014

Cartesian product

Cartesian product

For two sets $A$ and $B$, the Cartesian product denoted $A \times B$ is defined as the set of all ordered pairs $(a, b)$ where $a \in A$ and $b \in B$. The obvious algorithm to compute a Cartesian product in OCaml can is simple!
let prod l r =
  let g acc a =
    let f acc x =
      (a, x) :: acc
    in List.fold_left f acc r
  in List.fold_left g [] l |> List.rev

A straight-forward translation of the above program into C++ yields this.

#include <boost/range.hpp>
#include <numeric>
#include <iterator>

template <class T>
struct _inner
  T a;
  _inner (T a) : a (a) {}
  template <class ItT>
    ItT operator ()(ItT acc, T const& x) const {
    return *acc++ = std::make_pair (a, x);
template <class T> 
  _inner<T> inner (T a) { return _inner<T> (a); }

template <class RangeT>
struct _outer
  RangeT r;
  _outer (RangeT r) : r (r){}
  template <class T, class ItT>
    ItT operator ()(ItT acc, T const& a) const {
      return std::accumulate (
        boost::begin (r), boost::end(r), acc, inner (a));
template <class RangeT>
  _outer<RangeT> outer (RangeT r) { return _outer<RangeT>(r); }

template <class R1, class R2, class ItT>  
ItT prod (R1 A, R2 B, ItT dst) {
  return std::accumulate (
    boost::begin (A), boost::end (A), dst, outer (B));

That's a lot more code than in the original OCaml program. But wait... C++11 lambda expressions to the rescue! We can eliminate most of that 'extra' code recovering the elegance of the original.

template <class R1, class R2, class ItT>  
ItT prod (R1 A, R2 B, ItT dst) {

  typedef ItT iterator;
  typedef boost::range_value<R1>::type alpha;
  typedef boost::range_value<R2>::type  beta;

  return std::accumulate (
   boost::begin (A), boost::end (A), dst, 
    [=] (iterator acc, alpha const& a) { 
      return std::accumulate (
        boost::begin (B), boost::end (B), acc, 
        [=] (ItT acc, beta const& x) {
          return *acc++ = std::make_pair (a, x); });

Now, my buddy Juan Alday tells me that we can expect more improvements in C++14 relating to lambdas. I hope to persuade him to write more about that here in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned!

Update: Juan advises that with C++ 14 'generic' lambdas, we can further get it down to this.

auto prod = [](auto const& A, auto const& B, auto dst) {
   return std::accumulate(std::begin(A), std::end(A), dst,
     [&B](auto& output, auto valA) {
      return std::accumulate(std::begin(B), std::end(B), output,
       [&valA](auto& output, auto valB) { 
         std::get<0>(*output) = std::move(valA); 
         std::get<1>(*output) = std::move(valB)); 
         return ++output;});
That's kind of amazing... There's not even one occurrence of the template keyword in that code!